Advanced Reiki Apprenticeship:
Become a Reiki Master in Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Lightarian Reiki & Arcturian in 3 months.
Get the Certification and Guidance to take your practice to the next level
These are advanced Reiki modalities that build off of Traditional Usui Reiki. Each of these modalities— Karuna, Lightarian & Arcturian Reiki— each bring something very different to the table, and create powerful, life-changing effects when brought together in concert with each other. I have used these 3 types of Reiki to heal hundreds of people, I have used these modalities to also heal myself.
Over the course of 3 months, you will receive hours of training and 8 separate attunements. I will give you the one on one training that will help take your business and your own life to transformational levels.
The classes are done one on one in my offices in Lower Manhattan. In this program you will be taught:
Uses of Usui, Karuna, Lightarian & Arcturian Reiki
Hand Positions for Treatments
The Chakra System
The Usui & Karuna Reiki Symbols
The Lightarian System and how to invoke the Divine Healing Chamber
The Arcturian Reiki Frequency, how to activate it and how to use it for self-healing and healing others
8 separate attunements to all healing powers
How to Perform Distance Attunements
Price - $960, payable by Venmo/Paypal/Credit Card