Reiki Energy Healing in NYC
Benefits beyond meditation.
What if there was a way to dissolve stress, anxiety and negative emotions in a matter of minutes?
You come home after a long, brutal day. It was one of those days where nothing seemed to go right. The stress and challenges seemed to multiply as the day went on.
Even after decompressing and going to bed, you still feel the negativity from the day, gnawing at you, keeping you up. You hope that you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and positive, but will you? Will the same emotions just be waiting for you the next morning.
Reiki is a way of cleansing out negative emotions through the channeling of energy. A Reiki practitioner will help you to ‘reboot’ your system so that the negative energy is released and your body can be returned to it’s natural, positive state.
How does it work? We all get stress/negative emotions/chi stuck in our bodies like when we get muscle knot stuck in our shoulders or neck. So just like a muscle knot would affect your physical posture, these emotional knots affect our behavioral posture and what we attract into our life.
Reiki is the modern day massage for emotional pain. We get the energy to move, release those negative emotions and your life will start to change in ways you didn’t think possible.
Give it a shot. It changed my life, and it could change yours.
"I am pretty new to healings and I am elated to report back that it is quite profound. I feel like I released some negativity and a weight is lifted."- Emily S.- New York, NY