PERMANENT ZEN BLOG: The Empath- Narcissist Connection

Empaths feel the emotions of others in their own bodies  making them highly susceptible to all forms of codependency.  Narcissists seek out empaths because they are subconsciously on the hunt for a source of 'ego-boost.'  It is like using another person as your own personal battery recharger.  Because of this predatory power drain, narcissists are often called energetic vampires. The depletion in life-force energy is very physically real and leads to anxiety, depression and physical health symptoms.

The reality is that if you are an empath and this is happening to you, this is a wake up call. If you attract narcissistic people, it's because your Feminine/Masculine balance is out of whack.  

Narcissism and Toxic Masculinity are functions of people that have yet to develop their heart center. They lack the Divine Feminine, and they subconsciously seek out individuals that lack the Divine Masculine that still have not learned to stand up for themselves.

If someone has too much Divine Feminine energy, they will typically attract someone that has an equal amount of too much Divine Masculine. Their imbalances create an attraction...and also a conflict. The overly masculine person will get stuck in a cycle of over-exerting itself and taking advantage of the Feminine energy, and the other individual will constantly be stuck in a cycle of giving more and more in hopes that the other individual will give back, which they probably do not.

Spirit will allow for this cycle to continue until the abused individual starts to stand up for itself and demand more from the narcissist. Then the narcissist will need to respond by being more nurturing and loving or else risk losing the relationship with the other. In a perfect world, both souls would find balance by working through this initial conflict. If neither soul wants to change, then the cycle will just go on and on.

Coming out of an emotionally abusive relationship can feel as challenging as leaving a cult. There is a long period of questioning everything you have experienced and ever known (due to the programmed disregarding of your reality known as ‘Gaslighting‘) and it is common to doubt all your intuitions while needing to reprogram your self-worth.  That being said, empaths will often become more bright, healthy and empowered in the process of separation once they decide to truly stand up for themselves.

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Many individuals who are either suffering through depression or anxiety tend to rely on some form of medication. However, there is a growing number of people who are becoming aware of the fact that depression and anxiety can be cured without the use of anti-psychotics. Depression and anxiety need to be understood as energy imbalances rather than a mental disorder. Thus, in order to cure depression or anxiety, it’s critically important to treat the imbalanced energy and the behavior and mindset that proliferates the imbalance.

To overcome the root cause of depression or anxiety,  Reiki in New York, as well as Spiritual Counseling can prove to be powerful solutions.

Reiki is a technique of transferring the universal energy to the patient by the practitioner to area of the body where it is needed.  Turning to Individual Reiki Sessions NYC can help you regain the natural flow of energy that our bodies need to be relaxed, happy and healthy. 

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